Just as aromatherapy can provide emotional and physical benefits for humans, aromatherapy can provide similar benefits for our beloved pets. Aromatherapy helps increase the overall sense of wellness and general sense of calming and reduction of stress for your pet. We offer several different choices of Aromatherapy including: Lavender, Kava Kava and White Tea Ginger. Seasonal scents also available!
Blueberry Facial
Made from natural blueberry extracts and botanicals, our blueberry facial is an aromatic gel that is applied to your pets head, ears and face. The facial treatment is left on up to five minutes to provide a deep cleaning. It's great for treating eye stains and eye goobers, and also as a special pampering treat.
Deep Conditioning Treatment
Our conditioning treatments aid in the restructure of dry or damaged coats.
Moisturizing Treatment
Our moisturizing treatments aid in providing moisture to dry skin conditions.
Oatmeal Bath
Our all-natural oatmeal bath helps nourish and restore balance to dry, itchy skin. Oatmeal is a natural soothing agent and skin hydrator.
Medicated Bath
Our all-natural medicated shampoo blends Aloe, Melaluca and Tea Tree Oil to aid in the relief of minor skin irritations including: dermatitis, hot spots, fungal irritation, eczema and more
Flea/Tick Bath & Treatment Our all-natural flea & tick shampoo kills fleas and ticks without using harsh chemicals or pesticides. Afterwards we spay pets with a residual flea/tick spay to keep fleas away.
Skunk Bath
Our specialized shampoo and sprays helps rid the foul odor and oils of skunk spray.
Tooth Brushing
Good oral care is important for your pet's overall health and longevity. We use special pet toothbrushes and either mint or beef flavored toothpaste to brush teeth!
Breath Freshening
Temporary relief of bad breath, our breath freshener kills 99% of bacteria in your pet's mouth.
Nail Grinding
By grinding your dog's nails we are able to get them shorter, and also round the nail giving it a smoother finish. It's the best way to trim nails as short as possible without cutting the quik.
Nail Polish
For holidays and special occasions, we're happy to paint your pet's nails. We have a wide variety of colors to choose from. (only available on some breeds)